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Amarnath Yatra

Fivefoldpath Mission

Updated: Sep 4, 2023

|| अनंतकोटी ब्रह्मांडनायक राजाधिराज योगीराज श्री सच्चिदानंद परब्रह्म सद्गुरू श्री स्वामी समर्थ महाराज की जय | अवधूत चिंतन श्री गुरुदेव दत्त | स्वामी ॐ ||

FiveFold Path Mission July 18th, 2022
Shree Amarnath Shiva Linga naturally appears as Ice
Shree Amarnath Shiva Linga naturally appears as Ice

In yet another holy mission of Vishwa Kalyan

Amareshswar Guha (cave) where the Shivaliga manifests
Amareshswar Guha (cave) where the Shivaliga manifests

(Universal Prosperity) undertaken by the infinite grace of Shree Swami & Swamimay Sadguru and directed by our divine mother Bhagavatiji, on July 7th, 2022, eleven of our brave and young Agnihotris went to Amarnath yatra in Jammu and Kashmir from Pune, Maharashtra, India.

shree Swami's Amarnath Yatra - message

Guru Parampara - Swami Samarth, Lord Parashuram, ParamSadguru Shree Gajana Maharaj, Swamimay Sadguru Shree Mohan Guruji
Guru Parampara - Swami Samarth, Lord Parashuram, ParamSadguru Shree Gajana Maharaj, Swamimay Sadguru Shree Mohan Guruji

हमारे बाल अग्निहोत्रियों ने बहुत निडरता से अनेक संकटों से लड़के, हरामा अग्निहोत्र ध्वज आखिर अमरेश्वर धाम में स्थापन किया है || हमारे धर्म का ध्वज यहा स्थापित हुआ है। इस अग्निहोत्र पात्र के ऊर्जा स्तोत्र से बहुत कार्य होने वाला है ||

Our young Agnihotris fought with tough hurdles bravely and hoisted our Agnihotra dwaj (flag) in Amareshwar Dham successfully !! Our Flag of Dharma is hoisted over there. Many events of our mission are going to happen with the Aura of this Agnihotra !!

shree swami samartha jai jai

swami samartha

In Amarnath, there is a Shivling of ice in the cave of Himalaya mountains at a height of 16000 feet above the sea level in Jammu and Kashmir state in India. Agnihotris consecrated Agnihotra dwaj (Flag) over there on Guru Purnima day (July 13th, 2022). This is for the benefit of mankind and is presided by all the divinities and Gurus in the universe. Shree Swami sent them to Save our India & protect India from attack of the enemies. All Agnihotris are also protected by this yatra (journey). This is a figment of the grace of Sadguru who always takes care of the entire humanity. Swamimay Sadguru is asking for the bhiksha (offering) of our meditation and nothing more and nothing less in return.

Smt Bhagavatiji performing the Agnihotra Dwaj Pujan in Pune, Maharastra on July 3rd 2022.
Smt Bhagavatiji performing the Agnihotra Dwaj Pujan in Pune, Maharastra on July 3rd 2022.

Our beloved mother Bhagavatiji did the Pujan of Agnihotra Dwaj (flag) and inaugurated this auspicious event under the great guidance of Shree Swami and Swamimay Sadguru Shree Mohan Guruji.

The devotees paid their respects by offering the garland to our beloved Mother and she accepted it with love. They all participated in the pujan of Agnihotra dwaj (flag) which the eleven young Agnihotris will hoisted in Amarnath Cave and in several other places along the way.

Smt Bhagavatiji is honored with Garland of flowers to begin the event of Amarnath Yatra.
Beloved mother Bhagavatiji is honored with Garland of flowers to begin the event of Amarnath Yatra.

Agnihotris reached the Cake of Amarnath on 13th July Guru purnima day. This Amarnath yatra (journey) is very divine as well as tough. But our Agnihotris were strong and steady and underwent tough tests before and during this yatra (journey) as it is Swamimay Sadguru’s Vishwa kalyan karya (universal mission for prosperity).

These young Agnihotris were mere instruments in this journey and there were divinities residing and performing on their behalf. The brave warriors chosen for the divine mission are : 1)Ajit 2) Akshay 3) Gautam 4) Nihar 5) Nikhil 6) Onkar 7) Onkar 8) Pavan 9) Sarang 10) Shreyas 11) Sourabha.

The brave warriors in Srinagar, chosen for the divine mission are  : 1)Ajit 2)  Akshay 3)  Gautam 4) Nihar  5)  Nikhil 6)  Onkar  7)  Onkar 8)  Pavan  9)  Sarang 10) Shreyas 11)  Sourabha.
The brave warriors in Srinagar, chosen for the divine mission are : 1)Ajit 2) Akshay 3) Gautam 4) Nihar 5) Nikhil 6) Onkar 7) Onkar 8) Pavan 9) Sarang 10) Shreyas 11) Sourabha.

Shree Swami referred to them as “Shoor (Warriors) Veer (Brave)” as all the 11 Yaatris underwent many difficult tests for taking part in this trip. One of the Agnihotris had just 3 days of office leave and he ignored his job to make this trip happen. Another one was with fever but he chose to travel. One Agnihotri is challenged with another tough health situation, but he chose to come in spite of his issue. One of them had a final exam that's yet to be declared. The situation is uncertain for the him as he might lose an academic year if he misses out on the exam in case that's declared during the travel period. Beloved mother Bhagavatiji encouraged the yaatri (traveller) to take a decision without having any doubt and regret in his faith. The Devotee took a leap of faith and chose to come to the yatra (travel) and later its grace that worked its way and his exam is declared to happen on July 30th. By then he came back from his travel. The team ignored the financial aspects of the travel and came about to participate with devotion / nishta (devotion) and shraddha (deep faith).

Agnihotra Dwaj Pujan On July 3rd Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Amarnath team meeting presided by our beloved mother Bhagavatiji for Agnihotra Dwaj Pujan On July 3rd Pune, Maharashtra, India.

There was an Amarnath team meeting under the guidance of beloved mother Bhagavatiji and all did Agnihotra Dwaj Pujan On July 3rd Pune, Maharashtra, India.

The group started the Yatra in Pune, Maharashtra on July 8th.

All the young and brave warriors of Shree Amarnath Yatra assembled in Srinagar, Kashmir, India on July 10th, 2022.

The group started the Yatra in Pune, Maharashtra on July 8th.
Amarnath Yatra started in Pune, Maharashtra on July 8th with flag hoisting by beloved mother Bhagavatiji.
1st  Agnihotra Dwaj in Anantnag on July 10th, 2022
1st Agnihotra Dwaj in Anantnag on July 10th, 2022

Ma Mangal Chandika Mataki Jay🙏🙏

According to the directions of Shree Swami , the Yaatris did the 1st Agnihotra Dhwajarohan in Anantnag on July 10th, 2022 on the way to Amarnath in Jammu.

2nd Dhwajarohan at Srinagar in the boat
2nd Dhwajarohan at Srinagar in the boat

Amaresh babaki Jay🙏

They did the 2nd Dhwajarohan at Srinagar in the boat where they are staying. 🙏🙏🙏. Yaatris performed the Yaag in the hotel where they are staying.

The Yaatris (travelers) were stopped due to cloud burst heavy rains on July 11th. Military actively worked on clearing the path full of ice. Due to the weather, the traffic was completely stopped and only the helicopter services to Amarnath were active.

Yaatris performed the Yaag in the hotel in Srinagar, where they are staying.
Yaatris performed the Yaag in the hotel in Srinagar, where they are staying.

Yaatris were stuck in the bus for the whole night in Military base camp in a high mountain area in bad weather due to heavy rains. There was a lot of service offered in terms of food / supplies etc. Since the travelers cannot carry all these essentials there are hundreds of volunteers offering services to the travelers. There are also Dolis and horses for carrying the travelers to Shree Amarnath and everyone is doing their best to make sure the yaatris reach safe and sound to Shree Amarnath.They performed the evening Agnihotra & Dhwajarohan at Balatal base camp, on July 12th 2022 near Amarnath and started to Amarnath on the same day.

Trekking from Balatal base camp, on July 12th 2022 near Shree Amarnath
Trekking from Balatal base camp, on July 12th 2022 near Shree Amarnath

During this waiting period in the bus the boys underwent severe weather conditions and could not find enough food and water. Once the path was cleared by military they had to start trekking to Amarnath.

Finally they hoisted the Agnihotra Dwaj in Amarnath on July 13th 2022 on Guru Purnima.
Finally they hoisted the Agnihotra Dwaj in Amarnath on July 13th 2022 on Guru Purnima.

As per Swami’s instructions all the Agnihotris were fasting as they walked on the trek for 13 kilometers in ice and rain. They could not carry water bottles and the path was steep and mountainous and is very dangerous. They did not take the help of horses or dolis and walked through the way.

The whole journey was very tough to visualize and the steep hills of Himalayas were very nauseating. Since Amarnath is located at high altitude of 16,000 feet above the sea level, the group experience severe shortness of breadth, head aches caused due to lack of oxygen, fatique, chills and fever due to the severe cold weather in the trek. The Agnihotris endured the pain and walked the path with faith and devotion.

The last turn was very steep with 400 steps and its with grace that they could reach to the cave in the hilltop.

Finally on July 13th 2022, on the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima, the 11 young Agnihotris had the darshan of Amareshwar Baba. With Immense grace of Swami, they successfully hoisted the Agnihotra Dwaj in Amarnath. They also visualized the 2 pigeons in the cave over there which has a great significance.
Agnihotra in Amarnath
Agnihotra in Amarnath

It is considered very fortunate to visualize the two pigeons as there is a huge historical significance for these pigeons. When Lord Amareshwar or Shiva is giving out divine secrets to Mother Parvati, she fell asleep and these 2 pigeons listened to the stories and hence were blessed to be eternal and ever since they resided in the same cave from eons.

They did the Morning Agnihotra in Amarnath on 14th July 2022. They had to chant the Chamaka last Mantra called “Ekachame” as per Swami’s instructions before the cave. But due to the strict military surveillance, they could not even move an inch, but the military provided the opportunity to let them chant the mantra. Many unfortunate events occurred during this trip, as the evil forces where creating pile of hurdles. Because of the cloud burst rains, the tents where the food was served and the personal to help along with all the travelers who were sleeping in the tents were washed out and thousands of people where lost in the floods. This was never reported by media due to the gravity of the situation. The travel conditions were dangerous and there was not enough food for the boys. They could barely get noodles to eat during the stay in Amarnath over night.

Team Trekking 13km by walk to Amarnath on July 12th, 2022
Team Trekking 13km by walk to Amarnath on July 12th, 2022

On July 14th, 2022, the Amaranth yatra stopped again due to the bad weather. Our team successfully had darshan in the morning reached Balatal base camp. Balatal is very tough tracking. Finally they reached Srinagar at dawn 3AM. On July 17th they came to Alandi, Maharashtra where the divine mortals of our beloved Swamimay Sadguru is residing.

Team honored in Alandi, Maharastra,  Upon successful return.
Team honored in Alandi, Maharastra, Upon successful return.

Upon return on 17th, Set Bhagavatiji along with the Agnihotris from Alandi/USA/Pune/Barshi grandly welcomed the brave ones. They performed Vyahruti and honored them with vastra (new clothes), garland, deeparati.

They all performed Rudra Yaag. After Rudra yaag did Vyahruti at the samadhi sthan (location) of our beloved Swamimay Sadguru Shree Mohan Guruji. All Amareshwar Agnihotris did Shree Guru pujan as per Swami Sandesha (message).

With grace, the Agnihotris were able to overcome all the hurdles and completed Swami's mission of Amarnath Yatra and came back successfully.

Upon return on 17th, Set Bhagavatiji along with the Agnihotris from Alandi/USA/Pune/Barshi grandly welcomed the brave ones.
Upon return on 17th, beloved mother Bhagavatiji along with the Agnihotris from Alandi/USA/Pune/Barshi grandly welcomed the brave ones.
All Agnihotris all over the world did Rudra yag with 108 Maha Mrityunjaya Swahakar on July 13th 2022.
All Agnihotris did Mahamrityunjay swahakar 20 minutes from July 8thupto 14th July 2022 and Mahaswami yaag on July 14th at their homes.
All Agnihotris performed Ekadasha Rudra yag on July 18th consecrating the home coming of the brave Agnihotris to Alandi, Maharastra where the divine mortals of our beloved Swamimay Sadguru is residing.

The Aura or Urja of the Agnihotra dawj in Amarnath was felt profoundly all over the universe as visualized by one devotee.

As per Bhagavatiji, If the aura of the Agnihotra dawj is so profound, the power of Agnihotra is unimaginable.

|| Hari OM ||


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